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LED Project


I have work with LED lights and learned all the behavior and actions of learning how to use conduct tape, battery, wires, and more. I learned how to sew with conducted threads into a battery to power on all the LED lights. I've also work with other projects dealing with LED lights and using conducted tread to power it, like making a hat light up using sensors to light up when wearing it. I have worked with many designs and all of them i succeeded by being a problem solver and being opened minded with my teammates. I followed directions and was on task while being a team builder, I first did sketches and then build to fulfilled my creation and how I proceed on fixing it on the way to make my design better, and the effects it will have. I made sure that each of my design were in good condition and safe for no endangerment to happen. During my experience on the way, i have worked with the best teammates that were on task and focused with no distractions.


3D Printing House

SketchUp for Schools - Google Chrome 10_

I have learned the 3D environment skill of using sketch up and other programs that involves with 3D designing. Using many shapes and forms is needed, including distance and length towards your design. This project has been used in sketch up using advance tools such as, follow me tool, offset, push/pull, etc. All of these tool sets were used to build up my house with many measures and distances into having a right size for many lines and round edges to stabilized my house. My experience with my 3D house took open minded and problem solving skills to achieve my masterpiece using instructions from instructor and videos to master lengthiness, widths and correct measurements to sustain your house.      

Code Avengers 

I have worked in Code Avengers during my 10th grade year learning the advance programming of html and creating our own apps using many mechanism of coding/functions of this software. Code Avengers at first was very complex until you learned all the instructions of the following task using many different components of programming. This website have taught me to picture and visual a website of my own using many methods into a creative mindset and to program all of my ideas of using letters of functions that look like equations. Many of the components took me and my classmates to work together to find solutions on what to add to create a full on function to make this website work on a functioning phone, which took cooperative actions and critical thinking skills. This picture represents the outcome of using html coding mechanics and critical thinking skills on creating an app with components of html. 

SketchUp for Schools - Google Chrome 10_
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