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About Me

My name is Eric Becerra and I am part of the Foshay Tech Academy class. I am 16 years old and my dream is to become a game developer. I am in 12th grade senior year and i will graduate in 2020 while being in tech academy and learning how to proceed basic programming. In the tech academy we learn the basics of programming, coding, functions, websites, software's, and creating in genre using technology. I plan to master computer programming and coding in the near future in a university. Once I am older I want to make my own computer company with upgraded computer software and more advance coding mechanism. I would like to attend USC because I know it will make my parents proud of me once I graduate, and because the college is very close to me. I am proud to be a member of the Tech Academy at Foshay for my last year and I hope and plan to learn more about the technology world using many techniques and skills to get better in the future. Once i graduate I really want to experience advance programming for a company and program/coding model characters for video games, and create movement, texts, messages, voice, and action, mainly the commands for a video game basic designer. I want to have a strong bond towards computing as a career which will help me invent and engineer many creations with software. I like to interact with others as a communicator and show pride and passion for others that are in need, and to me that is being a helping hand to others in the community. 


What i like to do in my spare time is enjoy video games which is my passion because of the online interactions with people around the world and i enjoy playing online with others. Video games to me are very interesting because of the enjoyment time of playing, this changes my aspect of creating a game for others to enjoy as well to have a hyper feeling when playing with friends and family which this makes me enjoy technology itself. 

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